Hi there, hope you are doing well!
Today is Tuesday, Tammy and I are in Tegucigalpa (Honduras's capital) helping Darwyn out at the school here with some drywall work on a couple of classrooms. Maybe some electric if we have time. It was a longer than normal trip yesterday with some construction and a broken-down truck taking up one lane. It took us an hour or so longer than normal, 7.5 hrs. I'm still getting punched in the face by this cold, I've had it for two weeks! It has been keeping us awake at night because of my coughing... I'm getting worn out! I'm sure Tammy isn't having the best of times either! Sorry dear! We will be here for a couple of days it looks like.
The bus is back on the road! Turns out the water pump was bad too. There are a few more things we need to maintain but they will
need to wait until after Friday's rental job and we make some money to pay for the repairs.
Looks like we may be here until next Wednesday. There is quite a bit to do and (praise the Lord) Darwyn wants us to do the work!
(best drywall finisher in Honduras, maybe) Today is Thursday, the power was out all day. We did what we could with a couple of battery powered work lights and my hat's flashlight! It wasn't the most efficient way to work but we did get some things done. The power is on now (4:00 pm), maybe we'll work some this evening. Of course, Tammy will have to deal with her friend the bat more, probably, lol.
I told her she should name him then she wouldn't be so scared... all of her name suggestions were not very nice... satan, beesilbub, things like that lol. An issue we are having is we are not used to doing this kind of work all day long, day after day... sleep comes easy! And the work is good for us! I've tightened my belt up one notch too! About six more notches to go !
The bus made the second half of its commitment today! Yea!! Praise the Lord! A long day for Beto and Sindy, they left
at 3:40 am and didn't make it back home until 6:15! So very happy it ran like it's supposed to!!
We have an interesting opportunity next week. We have a meeting with Habitat for Humanity Honduras! As the story goes... Tammy
had been wanting to meet with them for a while. She recently saw an article where HFH was preparing to build 29 low-income homes
in Omoa! We need to find out more about that... Last week when we were meeting with our engineer in La Ceiba, I asked him if he
knew anything about HFH. He said sure! He had done some work for them recently and gave us two phone numbers to contact!
I sent a message to the general manager and within a few minutes we were having a conversation. Martha gave me the number of their
development director, I messaged him and immediately he responded, we ended up scheduling a meeting next Wednesday at 4:00pm in
San Pedro Sula! We don't know what will come of it if anything, but at least God opened the door for us!
I made an interesting discovery last night (Friday), Tammy and I were talking about our eating habits here and how it was easy
to not eat too much and when we did eat it was healthy. I mentioned I could use something sweet, and she's like "there's ice cream
in the freezer"... what?? And it's the biggest box of ice cream I've ever seen in a residential freezer! Must be 3-4 gallons in each box! And it tasted pretty good! Hit the spot! You know the saying, " sometimes it's easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission?".
Well today, I asked Darwyn if I could have some ice cream... and Tammy sold me out... "he had some last night!" Oh my, good thing
everyone was smiling! And Darwyn said sure, as much as I want!
We started painting today, the big room and half of the hallway got primed! Nice to see that progressing.
Praying for you all to have a good week! Remember, it's as easy as love God, love others!
Blessings, John and Tammy
