Merry Christmas!
This coming Wednesday is Christmas! We pray that you are all safe and enjoy some quality time with your family and friends as we
corporately celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!! Remember to celebrate Jesus every single day of the year, because He
truly is our Lord and Savior!!
This week Sindy was in La Ceiba for a couple days, with the original owner of the property, trying to figure out the permit process. We have had several different directives from the city, praying this gets straightened out with the least amount of cost and further stress!
Right now we are just waiting to find out what is going on and what the final outcome will be. The latest report was positive.
It is raining again in Omoa and in the mountains! The Omoa River is out of its banks again, flooding in our neighborhood! It isn't
quite as high as last time but it is inside the house! I had raised the new compound up over a foot to keep the water out... this time it
is high enough so far, the last time it wasn't... going to have to ponder on that fix for a while!
The crew isn't working at the moment. Too much rain and we're trying to raise money to support them while we aren't working on
any of our projects. We have had another request for some possible work, this time in Omoa! A couple from Canada has a
resort on the beach and is looking for some maintenance help and some small repair projects. We will meet with Mr. Greg and Mrs.

Sandy at the Sunset Playa Resort in January when we go back to Honduras!
Sunday morning and it's colder than it has been, 14 degrees here, still some snow on the ground. We are visiting a church in
Upper Arlington this morning. They have shown interest in our mission; we've met with several of their staff, and they are considering going to Honduras this March. I welded a cast iron bell hanger for Mr. Jim from this church this week, it looks good, praying that it will hold for a long time!
Thank you all for caring about our mission! We are humbled by your kind words and encouragement! We pray that you have a blessed
week! Be safe, enjoy the moments. Praise God in everything! Thank you Jesus!
Blessings, John and Tammy!