Hey there ! Hope you are doing well!
As I set down to write a little, it's raining, supposed to change to snow, 40 mph winds possible, it's almost like getting all 4 seasons
wrapped up in one day!
We've been busy this week so far (Wednesday evening). Tammy is working hard on learning about grants and setting up ways to
donate, etc. I've been working for son Chad, today at Honda for a while and at his new shop in Richwood putting in a bathroom. I've
had a couple meetings and working on setting up a few more. As I was picking up a check yesterday in Marysville, standing at a light
waiting for it to change and I felt an urge to turn around and walk into the business next door. (I am friends with the owner), I walked in,
he was busy, when he was free he looked at me and asked if I wanted money! I guess God knew where to send me!!
We're going to have a "mission highlight" day at Richwood Church of Christ this Sunday. It'll be interesting to see how that goes, it's the first time we've done anything like it. Excited to share with you how it goes! We're trying to decide how it's going to work, how many pictures to print, what talking points to display to stimulate questions.... God knows... Tammy is working very hard on
setting things up, printing pictures, making explanations for some of the highlighted pictures, getting signup sheets ready. Getting the cookies made (which were donated, thank you Lynn!) A lot of work!
I've been talking with another potential customer in Honduras. The issue is they're going to want us at the same time we're working on
another project... a good problem to have!
The crew is still working on the compound, hopefully it looks different when we get back in a few weeks. However, it may not be
a surprise since they send me pictures once in a while, and I do check out the cameras occasionally. Plus, they're working on things
that won't stand out as "wow, look at that!". Whatever they get done will be a blessing!
The pictures this week are all from the mission highlight day at RCC today. We had a nice turnout, talked a lot about what was going on
in Honduras and what we're accomplishing with our mission. Everyone was very encouraging! We have generated some interest in
coming to Honduras, interest in donating to the mission. And some donations! A lot of questions about "what would I do if I came", all very good questions!
Thank you all so very much for your support! We are blessed indeed!
Humbly serving Him, John and Tammy
Isaiah 6:8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, "Here am I, send me!"
